Idol Lash lash serum

idol lash

Idol Lash is a lash serum for persistent people. Probably, you are going to ask why. Actually, more or less a month is required to notice first changes in the appearance of eyelashes. And there are products that deliver much better results within shortest period than 4 weeks.

Idol Lash is one of lash serums that has natural composition. Presumably, it is a crucial information for all the people who have sensitive eyelid skin and delicate eyes. However, allergic sufferers might react completely differently to the substances included into the product’s composition. Especially skin that is sensitive is most prone to develop redness, rush and itchiness. However, Idol Lash lash serum composition was designed to avoid such adverse reactions from being triggered. Instead of irritations, we can observe nourishment and moisture delivered to upper and lower eyelashes.

Similar effects were noticed by people who were using the product to condition their eyebrows.

A single package of Idol Lash lash serum contains 3 ml of the liquid. This amount is enough to perform a five-month treatment. The plus of the product is its price, too. The preparation costs little, in fact, it is the cheapest beauty product in the ranking. Moreover, Idol Lash lash serum is easy to apply. Suffice it is to paint a thin line on upper eyelash. The procedure can be compared with using an eyeliner. Unfortunately, even the most precise application will not guarantee to obtain spectacular effects. How it is possible? Idol Lash lash serum was made to condition eyelashes and it is the cosmetic’s priority. When it comes to eyelash extension, density improvement, and darkening of eyelash colour, these outcomes might be not that satisfying, even after finishing the treatment. Moreover, the first effects are produced after around a month. Obviously, the final effects are obtained after two months. With this in mind, women who count on obtaining fast results, might be disappointed.

Good sides:

  • natural composition
  • capacity
  • can be applied to eyebrows
  • easy application
  • nourishes and moistures

Bad sides:

  • minor eyelash extension and density improvement
  • first effects obtained after a month
  • may cause irritations