Grande Lash lash serum

grande lashGrande Lash lash serum contains natural ingredients. Except eyelashes, the substances take care of eyelid and skin around. Unfortunately, the compositing does not affect eyelashes as much as we would like the product to do. Simply, eyelash extension and density improvement is barely noticeable. Eyelash reinforcement and nourishment are also at relatively low level. Moreover, in order to observe any outcomes, one has to wait almost two months. What is more, one package of Grande Lash stores 2 ml of the product. Such an amount holds out for more or less four weeks of the treatment. Unfortunately, this period is insufficient to obtain looked-for effects.

Surely, this is not women intended to gain when they decided to buy the lash serum.

Application of Grande Lash lash serum is extremely easy. It can be performed even without using a mirror. All that has to be done is painting a line along eyelash root lines and wait until the liquid gets absorbed by eyelid skin. Despite its runny consistency, the beauty product does not get into eyes and does not cause irritations. It is completely safe even for people declaring to have sensitive eyelid skin. Before each application, it is crucial to remove make-up since even the tiniest residue of eye shadows or a mascara can block access of nourishing substances to eyelash follicles. As a consequence, nourishment will be impeded. Besides, we can destroy eye make-up by applying Grande Lash on while wearing one.

Good sides:

  • colourful package
  • easy application
  • natural ingredients
  • safe for skin

Bad sides:

  • effects noticeable after more or less two months
  • eyelash extension and density improvement is hardly noticed
  • small capacity
  • too short period devoted to treatment